I'm an official "community partner" and looking forward to this fun event coming up in August:
Scarborough Afro-Caribbean Festival
August 20 & 21, 2016
Albert Campbell Square
“Celebrating Our Diversity” at the Scarborough Afro-Carib Fest
Scarborough, Ontario – June 2016: It’s BACK!! It’s BIGGER!! It’s BETTER!! The 5th annual Scarborough Afro Carib-Fest taking place on August 20-21, 2016 offers exciting live musical performances, mouth-watering ethnic cuisine, a cultural fashion show, dance competitions, vendor exhibitions, marketplace, beer tent, drum and dance workshops, face painting, kid’s zone and much more!
"Celebrating Our Diversity" is the theme for this event for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the richness of the city’s diverse communities. Organized by the non-profit organization, Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC), with support from the Canadian Heritage and TD Bank, the event fosters pride and demonstrates the richness of the Afro-Caribbean culture, and other ethnic groups that make up the fabric of Canada. The 2-day festival is unique as it helps to bridge social, cultural and economic gaps through sharing music, dance, cuisine, arts and culture.
The Festival will take place from 12:00pm – 9:00 pm on Saturday August 20 and Sunday August 21, 2016 inside Albert Campbell Square at the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Drive, Scarborough, ON. The event is FREE and will welcome 20,000 people from across Ontario and Internationally.
• For Sponsorship Opportunities, please click here
• For Vendor Opportunities, please click here
About Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC):
HSDC is a grassroots non-profit organization established in 1993 with a mission to promote the health, social, cultural, and economic self-sufficiency of new immigrants, low-income, at-risk and marginalized groups in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Email: info@hsdconline.org; info@scarboroughafrocaribfest.com
Phone: 416-345-1613 Fax: 416-345-8696
Stay Connected with us on Social Media
Twitter: @AfroCaribFest
Instagram: @AfroCaribFest
Highlights from last year:
Scarborough Afro-Caribbean Festival
August 20 & 21, 2016
Albert Campbell Square
“Celebrating Our Diversity” at the Scarborough Afro-Carib Fest

"Celebrating Our Diversity" is the theme for this event for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the richness of the city’s diverse communities. Organized by the non-profit organization, Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC), with support from the Canadian Heritage and TD Bank, the event fosters pride and demonstrates the richness of the Afro-Caribbean culture, and other ethnic groups that make up the fabric of Canada. The 2-day festival is unique as it helps to bridge social, cultural and economic gaps through sharing music, dance, cuisine, arts and culture.
The Festival will take place from 12:00pm – 9:00 pm on Saturday August 20 and Sunday August 21, 2016 inside Albert Campbell Square at the Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Drive, Scarborough, ON. The event is FREE and will welcome 20,000 people from across Ontario and Internationally.
• For Sponsorship Opportunities, please click here
• For Vendor Opportunities, please click here
About Heritage Skills Development Centre (HSDC):
HSDC is a grassroots non-profit organization established in 1993 with a mission to promote the health, social, cultural, and economic self-sufficiency of new immigrants, low-income, at-risk and marginalized groups in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).
Email: info@hsdconline.org; info@scarboroughafrocaribfest.com
Phone: 416-345-1613 Fax: 416-345-8696
Stay Connected with us on Social Media
Twitter: @AfroCaribFest
Instagram: @AfroCaribFest
Highlights from last year:
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