Hello Fellow Arts Lovers,
2013 seems to be the year for things interfering with this blog and it's ending with a special dose of bad luck - I was robbed, my elderly but dearly missed cat passed away and then my laptop went on the fritz just to complete the trio of misfortune.
Blogging with one of those baby laptop-netbook thingies isn't fun, so I'll have to put blogging on hold until my workhorse is back from the shop in two or three weeks.
Have a wonderful and artsy end of 2013
- Anya Wassenberg

Blogging with one of those baby laptop-netbook thingies isn't fun, so I'll have to put blogging on hold until my workhorse is back from the shop in two or three weeks.
Have a wonderful and artsy end of 2013
- Anya Wassenberg
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