From a media release:
Saturday & Sunday, July 21st & 22nd, 2012 - 11am-5pm
Governors Island, Colonel’s Row
Pre-sale tickets: $5 for both days
Day-of tickets: $5 per day
Headliners include Mark Strand, Valzhyna Mort, Maggie Nelson, Jennifer Michael Hecht, Joanna Furhman, Jennifer L. Knox, & CAConrad.
New York, NY – The Poetry Society of New York, producers of The Poetry Brothel and The Annual NYC Poetry Festival and publishers of Brothel Books and Quartier Rouge, announce a tentative lineup for the 2nd Annual NYC Poetry Festival (Governor’s Island, Colonel’s Row) July 21 & 22. The event will include over 40 reading series and 150 poets, vendors, an additional arts and crafts village, a beer garden near each stage, healthy and delicious food options as well as a new children’s festival. The admission is five dollars, which gets you in for both days if you buy pre-sale. It’s $5 each day at the door.
The following reading series will be featured at the festival:
A: ADW, Argos Books, Augury Books, B: Blue Flower Arts, Boundless Tales Reading Series, Bowery Books, Bowwow @ BPC C: Cave Canem, Coldfront Magazine, Cornelia Street Graduate Reading Series, COUPLET, D: DDay Productions, Deadly Chaps, DrunkNSailors, E: Earshot, Epiphany, Explosion Proof Series F: Feminist Writers Organization, Fireside Follies, Futurepoem, G: Gigantic, Gloop Cupboard, great weather for MEDIA I: InDigest Magazine, Italian-American Writers Association, The Inspired Word, K: KGB Poetry, L: Loaded Bicycle, Local Word, louderARTS, M: Mental Marginalia, The Mom Egg, My Brother’s Keeper, N: The New School MFA Program, New York Quarterly, No Dear Magazine, O: La Otra Orilla, P: The Patasola Reading Series, PeopleHerd, Ping Pong, The Poetry Brothel, Poets’ House R: Red Hen Press, Red Wheelbarrow Poets S: Southern Writers Reading Series, T: TOTEM, U: Underwater New York, V: Vets and Poetry, W: The White Swallow Reading Series
“The Poetry Society of New York invites NYC’s widespread and diverse poetry communities to unify for two days,” said Lisa Marie Basile, Vice President, Communications. Stephanie Berger, Chief Executive Officer, writes, “The purpose of this festival is to liberate poets and their work from the dark corners of bars, bookstore, and coffee shops and halogen-lit college campuses. We want to bring as many NYC poets together as possible in the bright light of day to meet, mingle, collaborate, so we can help make New York City the legitimate center of the poetry world.”
Saturday & Sunday, July 21st & 22nd, 2012 - 11am-5pm
Governors Island, Colonel’s Row
Pre-sale tickets: $5 for both days
Day-of tickets: $5 per day

New York, NY – The Poetry Society of New York, producers of The Poetry Brothel and The Annual NYC Poetry Festival and publishers of Brothel Books and Quartier Rouge, announce a tentative lineup for the 2nd Annual NYC Poetry Festival (Governor’s Island, Colonel’s Row) July 21 & 22. The event will include over 40 reading series and 150 poets, vendors, an additional arts and crafts village, a beer garden near each stage, healthy and delicious food options as well as a new children’s festival. The admission is five dollars, which gets you in for both days if you buy pre-sale. It’s $5 each day at the door.

A: ADW, Argos Books, Augury Books, B: Blue Flower Arts, Boundless Tales Reading Series, Bowery Books, Bowwow @ BPC C: Cave Canem, Coldfront Magazine, Cornelia Street Graduate Reading Series, COUPLET, D: DDay Productions, Deadly Chaps, DrunkNSailors, E: Earshot, Epiphany, Explosion Proof Series F: Feminist Writers Organization, Fireside Follies, Futurepoem, G: Gigantic, Gloop Cupboard, great weather for MEDIA I: InDigest Magazine, Italian-American Writers Association, The Inspired Word, K: KGB Poetry, L: Loaded Bicycle, Local Word, louderARTS, M: Mental Marginalia, The Mom Egg, My Brother’s Keeper, N: The New School MFA Program, New York Quarterly, No Dear Magazine, O: La Otra Orilla, P: The Patasola Reading Series, PeopleHerd, Ping Pong, The Poetry Brothel, Poets’ House R: Red Hen Press, Red Wheelbarrow Poets S: Southern Writers Reading Series, T: TOTEM, U: Underwater New York, V: Vets and Poetry, W: The White Swallow Reading Series

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