From a media release:
Common Thread Community Chorus Fundraising Concert!
featuring ‘The Canadian Songbook’
To continue financial support for NGOs and Non-Profits & their social justice initiatives
Changing The World… One Song At A Time!
[Toronto ON] On Saturday May 26, Common Thread Community Chorus raises the choral rafters for its annual fundraising bash!!
With their diverse and meaningful repertoire, Common Thread aims to change the world one song at a time — and have fun doing it!
Common Thread sings folk music reflecting the languages and cultures of Toronto and the country as a whole. The 70-voice secular choir is for anyone who believes that social justice and community can be built through the universal language of music!
Each year in its busy, 13-year history, Common Thread puts on terrific benefit concerts for others, from which all proceeds are donated to non-profit organizations who strive to make this city, province and country a better home for all.
Such invaluable NGOs and non-profits that have been recipients of these events include Amnesty International, L’Arche, Cecil Community Centre, Grandmothers to Grandmothers (Stephen Lewis Foundation), Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union, LabourLink, Pathways to Education (Regent Park), Sistering, the War Resisters Support Campaign, and many more!
In order to ensure Common Thread can continue this critical work, every year they hold one concert for themselves with fabulous raffle prizes to boot!
The concert repertoire will reflect the title of the show "The Canadian Songbook" and features songs from both English- and French-Canadian artists such as Rick Fielding, Felix LeClerc and Gilles Vigneault, along with some other gems of the Canadian folk music tradition.
This year’s exhilarating event presents Anne Lederman and Ian Bell, two old-time musicians that have entertained audiences since the 70s! Anne sings and plays fiddle, piano, mandolin, bones, jaw harp and her feet! Ian sings and plays guitar, button accordion, small pipes, and harmonica. They will be joining Common Thread for an evening of feet-stomping and heart-warming music!
Come join Common Thread in merry music-making, and help make your world a much better… and more harmonious place!
More About Common Thread
Common Thread’s repertoire is rooted in secular folk music traditions from around the world. About half of the music is in languages other than English, reflecting the linguistic diversity of Toronto and the country. Learning music in many different languages is challenging but very rewarding because it gives us a unique opportunity to appreciate and share the language and history of different cultures.
A sister aim in developing this diverse repertoire is to have a balance of songs that reflect the real lives of ordinary people and speak to the “full cup of life”– birth, death, joy, sorrow, struggle, triumph, work, play, love, community, celebration… you get the idea!!
St. Simon's Church, 525 Bloor St E, Toronto (fully accessible)
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Matinee 1:30pm
Evening 7:30pm
Common Thread Community Chorus Fundraising Concert!
featuring ‘The Canadian Songbook’
To continue financial support for NGOs and Non-Profits & their social justice initiatives
Changing The World… One Song At A Time!

With their diverse and meaningful repertoire, Common Thread aims to change the world one song at a time — and have fun doing it!
Common Thread sings folk music reflecting the languages and cultures of Toronto and the country as a whole. The 70-voice secular choir is for anyone who believes that social justice and community can be built through the universal language of music!
Each year in its busy, 13-year history, Common Thread puts on terrific benefit concerts for others, from which all proceeds are donated to non-profit organizations who strive to make this city, province and country a better home for all.
Such invaluable NGOs and non-profits that have been recipients of these events include Amnesty International, L’Arche, Cecil Community Centre, Grandmothers to Grandmothers (Stephen Lewis Foundation), Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union, LabourLink, Pathways to Education (Regent Park), Sistering, the War Resisters Support Campaign, and many more!

The concert repertoire will reflect the title of the show "The Canadian Songbook" and features songs from both English- and French-Canadian artists such as Rick Fielding, Felix LeClerc and Gilles Vigneault, along with some other gems of the Canadian folk music tradition.
This year’s exhilarating event presents Anne Lederman and Ian Bell, two old-time musicians that have entertained audiences since the 70s! Anne sings and plays fiddle, piano, mandolin, bones, jaw harp and her feet! Ian sings and plays guitar, button accordion, small pipes, and harmonica. They will be joining Common Thread for an evening of feet-stomping and heart-warming music!
Come join Common Thread in merry music-making, and help make your world a much better… and more harmonious place!
More About Common Thread
Common Thread’s repertoire is rooted in secular folk music traditions from around the world. About half of the music is in languages other than English, reflecting the linguistic diversity of Toronto and the country. Learning music in many different languages is challenging but very rewarding because it gives us a unique opportunity to appreciate and share the language and history of different cultures.
A sister aim in developing this diverse repertoire is to have a balance of songs that reflect the real lives of ordinary people and speak to the “full cup of life”– birth, death, joy, sorrow, struggle, triumph, work, play, love, community, celebration… you get the idea!!

St. Simon's Church, 525 Bloor St E, Toronto (fully accessible)
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Matinee 1:30pm
Evening 7:30pm
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