NuDance 2011
December 9 & 10, 2011
Riverside Theatre, Harlem, New York City
NEW YORK CITY - Join us for two evenings of fabulous new dance works featuring some of the best young choreographers and dancers. You'll experience the next generation of pioneering dance artists as NuDance presents new, innovative dance works by Opus Dance, Dance Iquail, Xodus Dance, Brenda Neville Dance, Rhapsody James Dance, Dana Foglia, Kelly Peters, Neil Schwartz & Jared Jenkins and Maverick Dance Experience (a few of these newly listed and not described below).
• Special Appearance by Generation X on Saturday only

Dance Iquail!
Choreographed by Iquail Shaheed
Equality for Us 2
A powerful duet that celebrates the recent success of the New York GLBT Community fight for marriage equality while showcases the dynamic ebb and flow inherent in these and all relationships.
Opus Dance Theatre
Choreographed by Pedro Luis
Concerto del Plata (A Work in Progress)
The work reflects a fusion of Spanish, Latin and Afro-Cuban dance styles, depicting a physical expression of emotions. This work expresses a moment in time-offering up through music and dance a spirit of expectant hope and joy.

Choreographed by Brenda Neville
Terra Nova Exerpt-Shift
The forces of mother earth come to life through this exploration the ecological phenomena of tectonic plate shifts.
xodus dance collective
Choreographed by Karen Gayle
Wishing Well
Strangers arrive at a Wishing Well, with hopes of fulfilling their secret fantasies.
Motivating Excellence
Choreographed by Rhapsody James
INSTINCT: The Animal Within
Mark your territory in the belly of the beast, either be the hunter or the hunted. Journey to a world where the role of prey and preditor are clearly defined.

Choreographed by Toni Renee Johnson
If You Knew Me...You Would Know
Journey through a dynamic movement discourse and dance theater experience that unearths binding and affecting philosophical perspectives on relationships, solidarity, radicalism and institutionalization.
Dance Iquail! (Photo Credit: Rachel Neville)
NEVILLE Dance Theatre (Photo Credit: Leah Brizard)
xodus dance collective
Motivating Excellence

Friday, December 9, 2011 7:00pm
Saturday, December 10, 2011 7:00pm
Ticket Price
General Admission: $18/person
The Riverside Theatre
91 Claremont Avenue (120th St)
Take the 1 to 116th or 125th
Box Office: (212) 870-6784
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