From a media release:
Sometimes Y Theatre returns to Toronto after a 9 year absence with:
DITCH by Geoff Kavanagh
November 2nd to 20th, 2011
Directed by Ed Roy
Starring Clinton Walker and Robert Tsonos
Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace
16 Ryerson Avenue
Tuesday to Saturday at 8pm
Saturday and Sunday at 2pm
• Tickets: or call 416.504.7529
TORONTO - Winner of a Chalmers Canadian Play Award, DITCH by Geoff Kavanagh has not been produced in Toronto since January of 1994. Sometimes Y Theatre returns to Canada after 9 years of producing plays in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and England with this seminal work in the history of Toronto’s independent theatre movement.
Sir John Franklin led an expedition into the Arctic in 1845 in an attempt to complete a crossing of the Northwest Passage. The ships became trapped in ice in the Victoria Strait and all 129 crew members died.
DITCH is a fictional account of two members of the expedition who were abandoned by their shipmates. Whitbread is dying of pneumonia and Hennesey has a broken foot, death is certain. In the face of this cruel fate they are sustained by a heavy dose of gallows humour, a dash of British pluck, their own imaginations, and by love. DITCH is a touching drama and a fascinating character study; full of laughs, tears, and emotional truths that linger long after the curtain has fallen.
The production is directed by Ed Roy (Agokwe - Dora Award - Best Director) and stars Clinton Walker (The Turn Of The Screw – Dora Award - Best Actor) and Robert Tsonos (Macbeth –Hong Kong Arts Centre).
Sometimes Y Theatre’s last Toronto production, William & James received 2 Dora nominations. The company was the resident theatre company at the Canadian Embassy Theatre in Tokyo from 2004 to 2006.
Sometimes Y Theatre returns to Toronto after a 9 year absence with:
DITCH by Geoff Kavanagh
November 2nd to 20th, 2011

Starring Clinton Walker and Robert Tsonos
Theatre Passe Muraille Backspace
16 Ryerson Avenue
Tuesday to Saturday at 8pm
Saturday and Sunday at 2pm
• Tickets: or call 416.504.7529
TORONTO - Winner of a Chalmers Canadian Play Award, DITCH by Geoff Kavanagh has not been produced in Toronto since January of 1994. Sometimes Y Theatre returns to Canada after 9 years of producing plays in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and England with this seminal work in the history of Toronto’s independent theatre movement.
Sir John Franklin led an expedition into the Arctic in 1845 in an attempt to complete a crossing of the Northwest Passage. The ships became trapped in ice in the Victoria Strait and all 129 crew members died.
DITCH is a fictional account of two members of the expedition who were abandoned by their shipmates. Whitbread is dying of pneumonia and Hennesey has a broken foot, death is certain. In the face of this cruel fate they are sustained by a heavy dose of gallows humour, a dash of British pluck, their own imaginations, and by love. DITCH is a touching drama and a fascinating character study; full of laughs, tears, and emotional truths that linger long after the curtain has fallen.
The production is directed by Ed Roy (Agokwe - Dora Award - Best Director) and stars Clinton Walker (The Turn Of The Screw – Dora Award - Best Actor) and Robert Tsonos (Macbeth –Hong Kong Arts Centre).

• For more information about our company visit our new website!
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