From a media release:
Barbès Records Releases Double LP
The Best of Roots of Chicha (Out July 19) via Fat Beats Distribution
Come Celebrate at DROM, New York on July 21, 2011
New York - Things have changed in the global Chicha world since Barbès released its first compilation in 2006
. Chicha has not only joined the ever-growing cumbia family as one of its established cousins, but all over Latin America, it has attained cult status and reached out to audiences until then more accustomed to listening to Rock En Español – or Rock En Ingles for that matter – than any form of Tropical music. Chicha has now crossed social and geographical boundaries and can be heard at parties around the world.
Of course, parties theses days require vinyl. For those of you who can’t afford to go scour the used bins of Quilca, we thought we’d make it easier and release a double LP with some of the best songs from Roots of Chicha volume 1 and 2. We have teamed up with label and distributor Fatbeats -who know a
thing or two about dance music – and are bringing you 23 songs by Los Mirlos, Juaneco y su Combo, Los Hijos del Sol, Los Diablos Rojos, Chacalon y la Nueva Crema, Los Shapis, Ranil, Los Destellos, Manzanita and Los Wemblers. The finest chicha ever produced in Lima or Iquitos.
The Roots of Chicha
Psychedelic Cumbias from Peru.
Special Double Vinyl Edition
• 23 tracks from Roots of Chicha Volume 1 and 2.
• This is a double album with a gatefold and a beautiful 11x11 twenty page booklet.
In Stores July 19
Come Celebrate at DROM July 21
Barbes Chicha mix tape by Barbes Records
Barbès Records Releases Double LP
The Best of Roots of Chicha (Out July 19) via Fat Beats Distribution
Come Celebrate at DROM, New York on July 21, 2011

Of course, parties theses days require vinyl. For those of you who can’t afford to go scour the used bins of Quilca, we thought we’d make it easier and release a double LP with some of the best songs from Roots of Chicha volume 1 and 2. We have teamed up with label and distributor Fatbeats -who know a

The Roots of Chicha
Psychedelic Cumbias from Peru.
Special Double Vinyl Edition
• 23 tracks from Roots of Chicha Volume 1 and 2.
• This is a double album with a gatefold and a beautiful 11x11 twenty page booklet.
In Stores July 19
Come Celebrate at DROM July 21

Barbes Chicha mix tape by Barbes Records
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